Monday 8 May 2017

Ireland has chance to be world leader for 'virtual reality' and 'augmented reality' tech

Ireland has a chance to be a world leader in developing a hub for 'virtual reality' and 'augmented reality' technologies.
One of the country's leading authorities says these sectors are about to explode with applications for online gaming as well as practical applications in the workplace.
Britain is currently the main market for the EU, but speaking ahead of an AR/VR convention at the RDS on Thursday, Alex Gibson from the Dublin Institute of Technology says there is a €99bn opportunity for Ireland after Brexit.
"Being an English-speaking country is a huge advantage but I think also the fact that we already have here in Ireland significant presence - like some of the companies that are really going to be driving this sector in the hardware area, for example, companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and Apple - so we have the infrastructure in terms of technology and companies,"


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