Monday 8 May 2017

Ireland is fastest growing economy in Europe once again

Ireland is once again Europe's fastest growing economy.
GDP growth rate is at 5% for 2017.
Consumer spending is to accelerate to 3.4% and house price inflation is up to 10% for this year.
Author of the report Conall MacCoille of Davy Research says Brexit is still putting Ireland at risk.
"That danger of a cliff-edge Brexit where WTO tariffs will be imposed is certainly still there.
"That would hit the economy in 2019 and that could lead to effectively, flat-growth or in a worse case scenario a recession," he said.
    In summary key take outs of Davy’s revised forecasts for the Irish economy include:
    · Irish GDP forecast - to grow by 5% (up from prior 3.7% forecast) in 2017 and by 3.8% in 2018.
    · That would likely make Ireland Europe’s fastest growing economy again this year.
    · Davy’s base case on Brexit is that a transitional Brexit deal will be agreed to avoid the worst case scenario of a hard Brexit and WTO tariffs - though clearly that risk remains, with very real consequences for agri, for SMEs and indigenous manufacturers, most likely in 2019.
    · They see consumer spending accelerating to 3.4% growth in 2017 (up from prior 3.0% forecast).
    · House price inflation for FY 2017 of 10% (up from Davy’s prior 8% view at the start of the year).
    · Employment to expand by 2.8% in 2017 and 2.3% in 2018, sufficient to push the unemployment rate to 5.3% on average next year..
    · Underlying investment should remain robust, up 8.4% in 2017.
    · Government expenditure predicated to rise by 2.6% in real terms in 2017.
    · Export growth to pick up from 2.4% in 2016 to 4.5% in 2017 and 4.4% in 2018.


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